2010年8月5日 星期四

Nicolaus Copernicus: Moving Astronomy Forward

- the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc. 天文學
- a particular attitude towards something; a way of thinking about something 態度;觀點;思考方法
- the ability to think about problems and decisions in a reasonable way without exaggerating their importance 客觀判斷力;權衡輕重的能力
- the art of creating an effect of depth and distance in a picture by representing people and things that are far away as being smaller than those that are nearer the front 透視法
-a view, especially one in which you can see far into the distance 景觀;遠景

- a senior priest in charge of the work of the Church in a city or district 主教
- a piece used in the game of chess that is shaped like a bishop's hat and can move any number of squares in a diagonal line (國際象棋中的)象; (西洋棋中的)主教
- more important than anything else 至為重要的;首要的
- having the highest position or the greatest power 至高無上的;至尊的;權力最大的
