2009年9月10日 星期四


常常記不起來,還是先Blog 起來好了
Sample 比較容易懂

Static Constructors
public class Bus
// Static constructor:
static Bus()
System.Console.WriteLine("The static constructor invoked.");

public static void Drive()
System.Console.WriteLine("The Drive method invoked.");

A slightly more informative example would be:
static void Main()
which gives the output:
The static constructor invoked.
The Drive method invoked.
The Drive method invoked.
Thus showing that the constructor is only called once, even though 'Drive()' was called twice.

***Static Variables***
Please enter 5 numbers to be summed
Enter a number: 12
The current total is 12
Enter a number: 23
The current total is 35
Enter a number: 34
The current total is 69
Enter a number: 45
The current total is 114
Enter a number: 56
The current total is 170
Program completed
