2008年6月23日 星期一

Advanced 電子報 -- 第 91 期

migrate (v) to travel to a different place, usually when the season changes (隨季節變化) 遷移;遷居


In the winter, birds migrate from cold areas to warmer areas of the world.


death knell (n phr) a warning of the end of something 喪鐘;凶兆


The sound of thunder was the death knell for my picnic in the park.


iconic (adj) referring to something that is well-known and considered as representing a set of beliefs or a way of life 標誌性的;圖像的


The Statue of Liberty is an iconic image of America's values.


pest (n) an insect or small animal which is harmful or which damages crops 害蟲


The farmer suspects that mice and other pests ate his vegetables last night.


plague (n) a large number of insects which cause damage or unpleasant conditions in an area 蟲災;災難


A plague of insects destroyed all the farms in this state.

