2011年4月8日 星期五

FRU (Field Replaceable Unit)

FRU (Field Replaceable Unit)

        A Field Replaceable Unit or FRU is a circuit board, part or assembly that can be quickly and easily removed from a personal computer or other piece of electronic equipment, and replaced by the user or a technician without having to send the entire product or system to a repair facility. FRUs allow a technician lacking in-depth product knowledge to fault isolate and replace faulty components.


        A typical desktop computer is composed almost entirely of FRUs, including:

        - Power supply units

        - Motherboards

        - socketed microprocessors

        - primary storage modules

                - RAM

        - secondary storage devices

                - hard drives

                - optical drives

                - floppy drives

        - Bus devices

                - video cards

                - sound cards

        - Cooling fans

        - Peripherals

                - keyboards

                - mice

                - printers

                -connecting cabless

