Host-Based Setup and Configuration
• This key Intel® AMT 7.0 platform feature is fully documented and includes samples, use cases and snippets (see below) that demonstrate the feature.
• The SDK also supports the related User Consent feature with samples, a GUI-based tool, and extensive documentation.
Snippets Added to Intel AMT Feature Use Cases
• Nearly 300 snippets – short samples of code that demonstrate a step or sequence of steps in a use case – were added to the SDK documentation.
• The snippets are written using PowerShell 2.0. They depend on a framework called the IntelvProModule located at <SDK_root>\Windows\Common\WS-Management\Scripting Framework.
• You can exercise a snippet opposite a configured Intel AMT platform by copying the snippet into a supplied template.
• The snippets support backward compatibility and demonstrate, where necessary, the difference between Intel AMT versions, back to Release 3.2. They were validated against Releases 3.2, 4, 5, 5.1, 6, 6.1 and 7.0.
Change From Traversal to Selectors Using a Key
• The Use Case flows now, in most cases, locate the instance of a class using one or more key properties, rather than starting with an instance of CIM_ComputerSystem and traversing associations to locate the pertinent object. The snippets use this approach in their implementation.
• Update to the RealVNC Library
1. A new version of the RealVNC library was added to the SDK. This solves some open issues and makes several protocol features available for Intel AMT applications.
2. The SDK documentation includes a spreadsheet showing the features in the RealVNC library that Intel AMT supports.
• The samples and library support screen rotation.
• The Digest authentication mechanism was upgraded.
• The KVM library error reporting was improved.
Redirection Library
• The Windows Redirection library now supports DVDs. The DVD feature is compatible with Intel AMT Releases 7.0 and later releases. The library is compatible with all versions of Intel AMT.
• The library supports the link preference feature, including an option for legacy behavior, used with earlier releases that do not support link preference.
• The Digest authentication mechanism was upgraded.
Intel(R) vPro(TM) Gateway, also known as the Management Presence Server (MPS)
• The SDK contains a new version of the MPS and, for the first time, includes the MPS source code.
• Documentation of the Intel(R) vPro(TM) Gateway reflects the latest MPS API.
• A new sample, the MPSInterFaceClient, demonstrates the API.
Other Documentation Changes
• The Setup and Configuration documentation was reorganized.
• Documentation for Local Call for Help (also known as Client Initiated Local Access, or CILA) was added to the Remote Access Configuration section.
• The documentation describes the Digest Master Password concept, with snippets. It demonstrates how to implement a master password that is used to create a unique admin password for each Intel AMT platform.
• The documentation provides a flow that shows how to use the Release 7.0 certificate enrollment feature, used to create a server certificate request for Intel AMT that does not expose the private key.
• The documentation contains a list of deprecated and deleted features across all versions.
Deprecated EOI (SOAP) Samples Moved
• The SOAP samples, documentation, Storage library, Crypt32Api and most associated files were moved to a ZIP archive in the SDK root directory.
• The SDK general documentation was modified to reflect this change. Most references to SOAP commands were removed.
• Certain samples that use SOAP (the sample setup and configuration application, the MPS notification sample, the redirection GUI sample and the AMTRedirection sample) remain in their respective directories.
• The WSDLs and other common files remain in place in support of these samples.
Other Updates
• The SDK includes an Event ID-to-string library that supports notifications from the event log. Go to <SDK_Root>\DOCS\Scripts\Alert Messages to see the XML file and a sample script.
• The Access Monitor sample now supports the new bulk load of audit log event definitions.
• The SDK recognizes that Intel AMT Release 7.0 can support a wireless interface on a desktop platform.
• The USBFile sample supports host-based setup and also a "scramble" mode.
• The Setup and Configuration Application, the MPS Notification sample, and the Audit Log sample have been updated to use OpenSSL version 1.0.0.
2011年3月28日 星期一
New Features Included with IntelR AMT 7.0 SDK:
Aberration 像差
Accessory 附件
Accessory Shoes 附件插座、熱靴
Achromatic 消色差的
Active 主動的、有源的
Acutance 銳度
Acute-matte 磨砂毛玻璃
Adapter 適配器
AD Converter 模數轉換器
Advance system 輸片系統
AE Lock(AEL) 自動曝光鎖定
AF(Autofocus) 自動聚焦
AF Assist Lamp 自動對焦輔助燈
AF Illuminator AF照明器
AF Servo 自動對焦伺服系統
AF spotbeam projector AF照明器
Alkaline 堿性
Ambient light 環境光
Amplification factor 放大倍率
Angle finder 彎角取景器
Angle of view 視角
Anti-Red-eye 防紅眼
Aperture 光圈
Aperture priority 光圈優先
APO(APOchromat) 復消色差
APZ(Advanced Program zoom) 高級程序變焦
Arc 弧形
ASA(American Standards Association) 美國標準協會
Astigmatism 像散
Auto bracket 自動包圍
Auto composition 自動構圖
Auto exposure 自動曝光
Auto exposure bracketing 自動包圍曝光
Auto film advance 自動進片
Auto flash 自動閃光
Auto loading 自動裝片
Auto multi-program 自動多程序
Auto rewind 自動退片
Auto wind 自動卷片
Auto zoom 自動變焦
Automatic exposure(AE) 自動曝光
Automation 自動化
Auxiliary 輔助的
Back 機背
Back light 逆光、背光
Back light compensation 逆光補償
Background 背景
Balance contrast 反差平衡
Bar code system 條形碼系統
Barrel distortion 桶形畸變
BAse-Stored Image Sensor (BASIS) 基存儲影像傳感器
Batteries 電池
Battery check 電池檢測
Battery holder 電池手柄
Bayonet 卡口
Bellows 皮腔
Blue filter 藍色濾光鏡
Body-integral 機身一體化
Bridge camera 橋梁相機
Brightness control 亮度控制
Buffer 緩沖器
Built in 內置
Bulb B 門
Button 按鈕
Cable release 快門線
Camera 照相機
Camera shake 相機抖動
Cap 蓋子
Card 卡
Cartridges 暗盒
Case 機套
CCD(Charge Coupled Device) 電荷耦合器件
CdS cell 硫化鎘元件
Center spot 中空濾光鏡
Center weighted averaging 中央重點加權平均
Chromatic Aberration 色差
Circle of confusion 彌散圓
Close-up 近攝
Coated 鍍膜
Colour Filter Array 色彩過濾矩陣
Colour Space 色域
Compact camera 袖珍相機
Composition 構圖
Compound lens 復合透鏡
Computer 計算機
Contact 觸點
Continuous advance 連續進片
Continuous autofocus 連續自動聚焦
Contrast 反差、對比
Convetor 轉換器
Coreless 無線圈
Correction 校正
Coupler 耦合器
Coverage 覆蓋範圍
CPU(Central Processing Unit) 中央處理器
Creative expansion card 藝術創作軟件卡
Cross 交叉
Curtain 簾幕
Customized function 用戶自選功能
Data back 數據機背
Data panel 數據面板
Dedicated flash 專用閃光燈
Definition 清晰度
Delay 延遲、延時
Depth of field 景深
Depth of field preview 景深預測
Detection 檢測
Diaphragm 光闌
Diffuse 柔光
Diffusers 柔光鏡
Digital Zoom 數碼變焦
DIN (Deutsche Industrische Normen) 德國工業標準
Diopter 屈光度
Dispersion 色散
Display 顯示
Distortion 畸變
Double exposure 雙重曝光
Double ring zoom 雙環式變焦鏡頭
Dreams filter 夢幻濾光鏡
Drive mode 驅動方式
Duration of flash 閃光持續時間
DX-code DX編碼
Dynamic Range 動態範圍
ED(Extra low Dispersion) 超低色散
Electro selective pattern(ESP) 電子選擇模式
EOS(Electronic Optical System) 電子光學系統
Ergonomic 人體工程學
EV(Exposure Value) 曝光值
Evaluative metering 綜合評價測光
Exif 可交換圖像檔案
Expert 專家、專業
Exposure 曝光
Exposure adjustment 曝光調整
Exposure compensation 曝光補償
Exposure memory 曝光記憶
Exposure mode 曝光方式
Exposure value(EV) 曝光值
Extension tube 近攝接圈
Extension ring 近攝接圈
External metering 外測光
Extra wide angle lens 超廣角鏡頭
Eye-level fixed 眼平固定
Eye-start 眼啟動
Eyepiece 目鏡
Eyesight correction lenses 視力校正鏡
Field curvature 像場彎曲
Fill in 填充(式)
Film 膠卷(片)
Film speed 膠卷感光度
Film transport 輸片、過片
Filter 濾光鏡
Finder 取景器
First curtain 前簾、第一簾幕
Fish eye lens 魚眼鏡頭
Flare 耀斑、眩光
Flash 閃光燈、閃光
Flash range 閃光範圍
Flash ready 閃光燈充電完畢
Flexible program 柔性程序
Focal length 焦距
Focal Length Multiplier 焦距增效器
Focal plane 焦點平面
Focus 焦點
Focus area 聚焦區域
Focus hold 焦點鎖定
Focus lock 焦點鎖定
Focus prediction 焦點預測
Focus priority 焦點優先
Focus screen 聚焦屏
Focus tracking 焦點跟蹤
Focusing 聚焦、對焦、調焦
Focusing stages 聚焦級數
Fog filter 霧化濾光鏡
Foreground 前景
Frame 張數、幀
Freeze 凍結、凝固
Fresnel lens 菲涅爾透鏡、環狀透鏡
Frontground 前景
Full Manual 全手動
Fuzzy logic 模糊邏輯
Gamma 伽馬值
Glare 眩光
GN(Guide Number) 閃光指數
GPD(Gallium Photo Diode) 稼光電二極管
Graduated 漸變
Half frame 半幅
Halfway 半程
Hand grip 手柄
High eye point 遠視點、高眼點
High key 高調
Highlight 高光、高亮
Highlight control 高光控制
High speed 高速
Histogram 直方圖
Honeycomb metering 蜂巢式測光
Horizontal 水平
Hot shoe 熱靴、附件插座
Hybrid camera 混合相機
Hyper manual 超手動
Hyper program 超程序
Hyperfocal 超焦距
IC(Integrated Circuit) 集成電路
Illumination angle 照明角度
Illuminator 照明器
Image control 影像控制
Image size lock 影像放大倍率鎖定
Image Stabilisation 圖像防抖
Infinity 無限遠、無窮遠
Infra-red(IR) 紅外線
Instant return 瞬回式
Integrated 集成
Intelligence 智能化
Intelligent power zoom 智能化電動變焦
Interactive function 交互式功能
Interchangeable 可更換
Internal focusing 內調焦
Interval shooting 間隔拍攝
ISO(International Standard Association) 國際標準化組織
Jaggies 鋸齒狀圖形
JIS(Japanese Industrial Standards) 日本工業標準
Landscape 風景
Latitude 寬容度
Lag Time 延遲時間
LCD data panel LCD數據面板
LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶顯示
LED(Light Emitting Diode) 發光二極管
Lens 鏡頭、透鏡
Lens cap 鏡頭蓋
Lens hood 鏡頭遮光罩
Lens release 鏡頭釋放鈕
Lithium battery 鋰電池
Lock 閉鎖、鎖定
Low key 低調
Low light 低亮度、低光
LSI(Large Scale Integrated) 大規模集成
Macro 微距、巨像
Magnification 放大倍率
Main switch 主開關
Manual 手動
Manual exposure 手動曝光
Manual focusing 手動聚焦
Matrix metering 矩陣式測光
Maximum 最大
Metered manual 測光手動
Metering 測光
Micro prism 微稜
Minimum 最小
Mirage 倒影鏡
Mirror 反光鏡
Mirror box 反光鏡箱
Mirror lens 折反射鏡頭
Module 模塊
Monitor 監視、監視器
Monopod 獨腳架
Motor 電動機、馬達
Mount 卡口
MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) 調制傳遞函數
Multi beam 多束
Multi control 多重控制
Multi-dimensional 多維
Multi-exposure 多重曝光
Multi-image 多重影
Multi-mode 多模式
Multi-pattern 多區、多分區、多模式
Multi-program 多程序
Multi sensor 多傳感器、多感光元件
Multi spot metering 多點測光
Multi task 多任務
Negative 負片
Neutral 中性
Neutral density filter 中灰密度濾光鏡
Ni-Cd battery 鎳鉻(可充電)電池
Off camera 離機
Off center 偏離中心
OTF(Off The Film) 偏離膠卷平面
One ring zoom 單環式變焦鏡頭
One touch 單環式
Orange filter 橙色濾光鏡
Over exposure 曝光過度
Panning 搖拍
Panorama 全景
Parallel 平行
Parallax 平行視差
Partial metering 局部測光
Passive 被動的、無源的
Pastels filter 水粉濾光鏡
PC(Perspective Control) 透視控制
Pentaprism 五稜鏡
Perspective 透視的
Phase detection 相位檢測
Photography 攝影
Pincushion distortion 枕形畸變
Pixels 象素
Plane of focus 焦點平面
Point of view 視點
Polarizing 偏振、偏光
Polarizer 偏振鏡
Portrait 人像、肖像
Power 電源、功率、電動
Power focus 電動聚焦
Power zoom 電動變焦
Predictive 預測
Predictive focus control 預測焦點控制
Preflash 預閃
Professional 專業的
Program 程序
Program back 程序機背
Program flash 程序閃光
Program reset 程序復位
Program shift 程序偏移
Programmed Image Control (PIC) 程序化影像控制
Quartz data back 石英數據機背
Rainbows filter 彩虹濾光鏡
Range finder 測距取景器
RAW Image Format RAW圖像文件格式
Release priority 釋放優先
Rear curtain 後簾
Reciprocity failure 倒易律失效
Reciprocity Law 倒易律
Recompose 重新構圖
Red eye 紅眼
Red eye reduction 紅眼減少
Reflector 反射器、反光板
Reflex 反光
Remote control terminal 快門線插孔
Remote cord 遙控線、快門線
Resolution 分辨率
Reversal films 反轉膠片
Rewind 退卷
Ring flash 環形閃光燈
ROM(Read Only Memory) 只讀存儲器
Rotating zoom 旋轉式變焦鏡頭
RTF(Retractable TTL Flash) 可收縮TTL閃光燈
Second curtain 後簾、第二簾幕
Secondary Imaged Registration(SIR) 輔助影像重合
Segment 段、區
Selection 選擇
Self-timer 自拍機
Sensitivity 靈敏度
Sensitivity range 靈敏度範圍
Sensor 傳感器
Sensor Sizes 傳感器尺寸
Separator lens 分離鏡片
Sepia filter 褐色濾光鏡
Sequence zoom shooting 順序變焦拍攝
Sequential shoot 順序拍攝
Servo autofocus 伺服自動聚焦
Setting 設置
Shadow 陰影、暗位
Shadow control 陰影控制
Sharpness 清晰度
Sharpening 銳化
Shift 偏移、移動
Shutter 快門
Shutter curtain 快門簾幕
Shutter priority 快門優先
Shutter release 快門釋放
Shutter speed 快門速度
Shutter speed priority 快門速度優先
Silhouette 剪影
Single frame advance 單張進片
Single shot autofocus 單次自動聚焦
Skylight filter 天光濾光鏡
Slide film 幻燈膠片
Slow speed synchronization 慢速同步
SLD(Super Lower Dispersion) 超低色散
SLR(Single Lens Reflex) 單鏡頭反光照相機
SMC(Super Multi Coated) 超級多層鍍膜
Soft focus 柔焦、柔光
SP(Super Performance) 超級性能
SPC(Silicon Photo Cell) 光電池
SPD(Silicon Photo Dioxide) 光電二極管
Speedlight 閃光燈、閃光管
Split image 裂像
Sport 體育、運動
Spot metering 點測光
Standard 標準
Standard lens 標準鏡頭
Starburst 星光鏡
Stop 檔
Synchronization 同步
Tele converter 增距鏡、望遠變換器
Telephoto lens 長焦距鏡頭
Time Lapse 時滯
Trailing-shutter curtain 後簾同步
Trap focus 陷阱聚焦
Tripod 三腳架
TS(Tilt and Shift) 傾斜及偏移
TTL flash TTL閃光
TTL flash metering TTL閃光測光
TTL(Through The Lens) 通過鏡頭、鏡後
Two touch 雙環
UD(Ultra-low Dispersion) 超低色散
Ultra wide 超闊、超廣
Ultrasonic 超聲波
UV(Ultra-Violet) 紫外線
Under exposure 曝光不足
Vari-colour 變色
Var-program 變程序
Variable speed 變速
Vertical 垂直
Vertical traverse 縱走式
View finder 取景器
Warm tone 暖色調
White Balance 白平衡
Wide angle lens 廣角鏡頭
Wide view 廣角預視、寬區預視
Wildlife 野生動物
Wireless remote 無線遙控
World time 世界時間
X-sync X-同步
Zoom 變焦
Zoom lens 變焦鏡頭
Zoom clip 變焦剪裁
Zoom effect 變焦效果